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Can IVF-PGT be Performed with Gynecological Inflammation? Don't Miss the Opportunity.

2024-01-25 19:19:39,visits: 367



Ms. M has been trying to conceive naturally for over a year without success. Recently, she has been troubled by vaginal inflammation, making her desire to nurture life seem increasingly distant. For women like Ms. M with gynecological diseases, the feasibility of conception becomes a highly scrutinized issue.


According to surveys, 40% of Chinese women suffer from various degrees of gynecological diseases, including vaginitis, pelvic inflammatory disease, cervical inflammation, and appendicitis. Among married women, the incidence rate is as high as 70%, raising concerns among women trying to conceive who have gynecological inflammation.


Different types and degrees of gynecological diseases have varying impacts on conception. Some diseases that do not affect fertility include mild fungal vaginitis, uterine fibroids, and ovarian tumors. However, more severe conditions like bacterial vaginosis, trichomonas vaginitis, chronic pelvic inflammation, cervical inflammation, and appendicitis may directly impact conception.


IVF-PGT in the USA provides a successful avenue for women with gynecological diseases to conceive. Through the "in vitro fertilizationembryo transplantation" method, the inflammatory environment of vaginitis is successfully isolated, creating an ideal environment for conception.


Dr. Nathan Zhang, founder of IVF USA, emphasizes that women with gynecological inflammation should undergo appropriate treatment before undergoing IVF in the USA. This helps prevent the upward spread of inflammation, infection of the uterine cavity, and potential harm to embryo implantation and later development.


Specifically, for patients with cervical inflammation, surgical treatment may be recommended, while patients with pelvic inflammatory disease should consider IVF in the USA after recovery to ensure a safe implantation environment.


Dr. Nathan Zhang advises women preparing for IVF in the USA to undergo various examinations before the procedure, including gynecological routine examinations, breast examinations, routine vaginal discharge examinations, vaginal ultrasound examinations, abdominal ultrasound, and urine routine examinations. These examinations help ensure the success rate of assisted reproduction and the safety of both mother and baby.


It is crucial to emphasize that women with gynecological diseases should be evaluated by a professional doctor before attempting conception, and self-medication for anti-inflammatory purposes should be avoided. Through wise choices and scientific treatment, your dreams are poised to come true. IVF USA, founded by Dr. Nathan Zhang, currently provides services such as egg freezing, IVF, and third-party assisted reproduction to those in need. The services extend beyond the United States to include Japan for IVF and egg freezing, Thailand for IVF and egg freezing, as well as Mexico, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and other regions. Collaborating closely with top IVF doctors globally, IVF USA is committed to creating the best fertility journey for you. If you have any questions about egg freezing and IVF, feel free to contact IVF USA anytime. We are ready to provide you with professional support.


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